I am afraid of heights, not at all sporty, and am uncoordinated in everything but pointe shoes. Alas I had to give skiing a go, because honestly how can you live in Switzerland and not at least try? Two weeks ago Kevin and I took a weekend trip to
Flims for our very first ski lesson. Heights actually never came into play, because we spent our entire four hour private lesson on the kiddie slope right next to a group of some real show offy two year olds.
Where we spent our lesson. I, unlike this Swiss child, never advanced to the obstacle course. |
Kevin, me, and our instructor on one of our many intense rides up the "slope" via the magic carpet.
Pizza boxin' it |
Our poor instructor trying to give me yet another explanation for how to turn. I had the uncanny ability to turn when I meant to go straight, and go straight when I meant to turn. Quite frustrating, but I couldn't get too down with a view like this . |
Kevin taking a tumble while a two year old looks on mockingly.
I gotta say, I was real impressed with Kev. We were head to head for the first half of the lesson, but he for sure surpassed me once we got to turns. He was able to advance to the obstacle course and everything. And he only fell twice...I lost count after my 5th.
View from our hotel room |
Another shot of the view during our lesson. |
Falls and frustrations aside the ski lesson was a lot more fun than I expected. However I still remain unsporty and uncoordinated, and the more time that passes from our first lesson the more excuses I come up with for not going to our second...the high probability that my clumsy self will get injured, Mya will feel neglected, etc, etc. But I'm gonna have to suck it up, or forever have Kevin think I'm lame. If I can't master turns by the end of our next lesson I think I'll have to admit defeat and give snowshoeing or sledging a try....or I'll just head for the bar.
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